Thursday, October 25, 2012

Top photo:   Double sets of twin troubles!
Sis (Nomah Ogle) is the baby on the left, Oma is the one on the right.  I'm guessing they're about 6 months old, which dates these photos about May 1929.  Olen and Rolen are on either side and are about 4 years old.  I'm not sure which one is which, though...  And W.C. is holding the babies in the middle.  He would have been around 6 years old.  

Bottom photo:  Sis on the left, Oma on the right, Olen and Rolen on either side.  Ollie Lena Hawkins Ogle (Mama) is above looking like she's trying to keep Sis from crying.  According to the older sisters, Sis was always the fussy one. 

These two photos were DEFINITELY taken at the same time as the photo in my previous post from my cousin Larry.  I wonder who had the camera and perhaps what was the occasion?
A big thank you to my cousin, Larry Ogle, for this photographic gem. The baby to the right of the photo is my father, Oma Ogle, and to the left, his twin sister, Nomah (Sis) Ogle Phillips. They were born in October 1928 which dates the photos as 1929, perhaps May?  Peeking through the window, I think is Alvin Franklin Ogle, who would have been around 15 years old.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Something neat from my Ogle research. If anyone is searching for proof of a "colorful" character in our heritage, I think that person might be Daniel Ogle. Here is a very interesting document regarding the reason he came to Texas... there are similar documents from his brother, interestingly enough named, Ben R. Ogles (yes, his signature clearly has an S on the end!) I guess the two of them were into some bootlegging over there in Georgia. As the document states, he and his family had already moved to Texas and he was arrested there and returned for sentencing, so I'm still searching for those arrest records for more details! Until then, enjoy this one!

Friday, March 23, 2012

As I promised a cousin recently, I WILL post something new each week related to our family history. There are so many things that are interesting to me that I doubt anyone even knows that I have over here. True treasures waiting to be shared. If you enjoy seeing these things, please write me a comment so I know someone out there is reading this! This is an article written about my Grandmother, Blanche Goodwin Granath in 1956. If any of you out there have an original of the photograph used in this article, I would love to have a copy or jpeg of it, because I haven't ever seen the original. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Books About Our Granath Family

I've been asked this question by cousins several times in the past few weeks, so I thought I would post it here for everyone to look up when they need to. I am SO blessed that in the past few years, several of my cousins have 'caught' an interest in family genealogy, and they keep me busy asking me questions about it. Of course, it may be because they suddenly have school age children who have "All About Me" projects, but I don't mind. I know that once bitten, there is no cure for the Genea-bug, and only regular feeding of new research makes the longings go away for a while.

Without future ado, here are the works that I know of that contain our Granath family information or are written by Granath family members:

The Girl From The Rimrocks by Adina Granath Yeager, 2003, Nucla, Colorado.

GRANATH, The Family Without End by Ruth Granath Yahr, 2005, Fullerton, Colorado.

Our Past -- The Portals To The Future, an oral history of Dolores and the surrounding areas by Dolores Public Library, Dolores Colorado. Volume 1, 1992, Johnson Printing Co, Boulder, Colorado. Volume 2, 1994, ISBN 0-9640770-1-9.

The Forefathers of Blanche E. Goodwin Granath and her Descendants, researched and compiled by her daughter, Ruth Granath Jahr.

If you can add any to this list, please let me know. I hope to someday soon have a title to add of my own. Happy reading until then!

Monday, February 20, 2012

A new Granath family photo

The Granath family, circa 1940, Hobbs, New Mexico.

I dont have an exact date for this one, but we can guesstimate from ages to be sometime after 1940? Anyone have any other ideas? Please correct me if I'm wrong!

I'll try to identify as I can:
Obviously, "Pappy" Walter Edward at the front right, and Blanche just above him. Ruby is next to her, holding baby who might be Tim?. My mom, Dolores Peggy Jane, is the one in the striped dress at the front. Above her to the left I think are Alta and her husband Holger Thompson is the far left by the bush. The rest I will have to get some help with.

The location was Hobbs, New Mexico, probably near their home.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wow, it has been a very long, dry genealogy research period for me! I've been cleaning my office and have found a stack of documents that I promised to publish LAST year, so here is one finally. This one is a very special wedding gift that I received from my sweet Aunt Ruth Opal Granath Jahr. It is a tiny wedding keepsake book that belonged to my grandparents. As you can see, it details their wedding facts. Here is it in pdf form to share with my Granath relatives. How very sweet!